Donating blood is an act that we should all carry out, in solidarity for the people who need it. In this article we will give some information about the process.
Many of us know people who have donated blood or have even donated it ourselves. It is an act of solidarity, since there is no reward for donating in Spain. The process of donating blood does not take more than half an hour and can save many lives. The main reason that donations are vital is because blood cannot be manufactured and it expires, it can only be stored for a small period of time.
Below we will answer some doubts that we all have, in hopes that it will give us that little push that we need to become a blood donor.
First off, let's start with some basics, such as the preparation we must do before donating blood: have a good night’s rest, and do not smoke for at least one hour prior to the transfusion and make sure to eat something before the donation. It is advised that you do not do a very demanding physical activity prior to the donation, because then your heart rate will be too high.
As soon as you get to the donation centre, the doctor will perform a small medical exam that consists of taking your blood pressure, your pulse, your haemoglobin level and doing a test to detect anaemia. After an interview and this medical exam, the health workers will give you the results. If everything is okay and you signed the consent form, they will then proceed with the donation. You can donate blood while you are taking certain medications and even after having suffered from an illness. However, the doctor is the one with the final say in the interview phase.
The main worry that first time blood donors have is how they will feel after donating. Most people who rest 10-15 minutes and hydrate afterwards, feel perfectly fine. Of course, it is advisable that you are not making big over exertions after donating blood. Also, it is possible that some people may feel dizzy, or suffer bruises caused by the puncture, although it is rare that something like that happens.
After the donation, the sample will be processed in the following 24 hours and it will be divided into three fundamental components: the concentration of red blood cells, plasma and platelets. If the analysis of the sample is favourable, your blood will be ready to save people.
In Valencia, besides mobile blood donation stations that run throughout the city, there are two fixed stations throughout the year; one is the transfusion centre in Avinguda el Cid 65 and the other station is at the La Fe Hospital.
Donating blood takes between 20-30 minutes and is completely painless. With having all this information, all that remains for you is to go to one of the many mobile or fixed blood donating stations and contribute to help those who need it most.