If you’re a true carnival lover, missing out on the Vinaròs Carnival is not an option. Even the Ministry of Tourism declared the festival of tourist interest in 2007. Despite what many people believe, there are loads of places to celebrate carnival in Spain apart from Tenerife, and it is celebrated in a big way. In this case we are talking about the largest carnival on the entire Mediterranean coast: the Vinaròs carnival. This carnival generally takes place in early February, but the exact date is determined by Lent, as it is celebrated exactly 40 days before Christian Lent.
This carnival dates back to 1871, when an event was held to raise funds for charity. One of the requirements for the event was that all attendees wear a mask, thereby starting a tradition that would last to this day. The Vinaròs Carnivalis known as one of the most important in the Mediterranean and one of the oldest in the Valencian Community.
This event is sure to bring 11 days full of colour and joy through various activities in which the entire town participates. Among the regularly scheduled events we would recommend the Gala de las Reines (the Queens gala), the Noche del Pijama (Night of the Pyjamas), the Fiesta de Disfraces (the Costume Party) and last but not least all the parades in which members of each group participate by wearing bright-coloured costumes while the whole town dances.
It should be noted that not everything is a party during this event. There are also other events like sport competitions and food events, which is where you will find the famous Vinaròs shrimps.
Enjoying a carnival of this magnitude is without a doubt a celebration that must be experienced firsthand. The inhabitants and tourists dance, eat and enjoy themselves to the rhythm of music, leaving traces of joy and fun in the festive atmosphere of the town.