​Valencia exudes art everywhere. You can find it in its architecture, its museums, its traditions and in its streets. In this article we propose a tour to discover the hidden street art in the Ciutat Vella in Valencia.

If you thought you had seen everything in Valencia, we have a surprise in store for you today. Get ready to discover the charm of the city, unlike any other you have seen before.

This Turia-based city does not only have architectural art, it also offers artistic displays that are present in various aspects throughout the entire population. One of them is street art. Valencia expresses itself on the walls and lets the walls speak for themselves. 

In this article we give you the street art map of the city. Walls, ruined buildings, shutters, garages, everything is used in order to create some of the best murals by well-known national and international graffiti artists. Some of these artists include Hyuro, Julieta XLF, David Limón, Deith and many others. 

There are several areas where you can find street art, Barrio del Carmen in the Ciutat Vella district being one of the most colourful areas of Valencia

Start at Carrer del Músic Peydró, where there is a mural of two policemen. At the end of the street you’ll arrive at Plaza de la Merced, and you should exit on Calle de las Calabazas in order to find several graffiti on the walls of demolished buildings. You cannot miss out on the façade of Plaza Lope de Vega, another artistic display. In this square you can also find one of the narrowest facades in Europe. 

Continuing on with the tour, you should head towards Calle de Numancia and Calle de Ercilla, where you can see walls full of graffiti with signatures and other more elaborate murals. Go up on Calle de la Estamañería Vieja and Calle de Calatrava for decorative graffiti on shutters. In the Plaza del Tossal  you can find the work of Escif “Car falling from a roof” and “Divine Moses” painted by Blu, two famous street artists.

Next up is Barrio del Carmen. Start by going up at Calle Alta, passing Plaza Mossén Sorell and turn on Calle Corona. You can see various displays of urban art on shutters, walls and buildings. We recommend you look at the mural made by Julieta XLF and Jeskaoner, that can be found at the corner of Santo Tomás and Calle Alta. The truth is that strolling through narrow and bohemian streets in El Carmen will make you discover much more graffiti than we can tell you about in this article. 

In Calle Baja and Calle Moret there are many more displays. Especially in Calle Moret, which is known as Calle de los Colores, and has become a mini art gallery. In Calle de la Beneficiencia you can find a wall full of graffiti, and other curious artistic displays. 

This is a short tour which will help you discover the more human part of Valencia. The best way to discover it, is without a doubt to let yourself be surprised by every corner of the city and wander around aimlessly. We assure you that each step will take you further on your discovery and make you fall in love with the city even more