The most impressive building of Bilbao is definitely the famous Guggenheim museum. Nowadays, this popular tourist attraction greatly shapes the image and reputation of the city. In this article we will see why it had such a big impact on the city and what exactly inspired its architect Frank Gehry.
The Guggenheim’s design is characteristic for the architect and created in the style of deconstructivism. This architectural method makes it seem as if the building is a “controlled mess” and has no clear lines or structures to it. As it is constructed of titan, limestone and glass, the materials aim to represent the industrial history and importance of the port for the city of Bilbao.
Did you know that the museum is as big as one-third of the White House?
Overall, the building measures 24.000 square meters but only less than half can actually be used to host exhibitions.
But what exactly can we find inside of it?
Obra de Rauschenberg
In the Guggenheim we can find contemporary art such as Pop Art, minimalism and expressionism. Thanks to its mother’s branch in New York the museum was able to exhibit various masterpieces and increased its collection over the years, so that it nowadays features works of artists such as Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg and Eduardo Chillida.
On the other hand, the Guggenheim is surrounded by famous sculptures and installations to connect it to the city and the riverside. Here we can find the famous sculpture Mamá by Louise Bourgeois, which is a giant installation of a 10 meter spider. Other sculptures include the Puppy and Tulips by Jeff Koons that enrich the nearby area.
The museum was officially opened in 1977 by the King Juan Carlos after four years of construction. Originally, locals were very skeptical and wished that the money would have been invested in social services or unemployment instead. But as it turns out the Guggenheim has been a huge asset to the city and attracts about one million visitors every year. Therefore, the museum has greatly helped the struggling economy and was more successful in doing so than ever imagined.