Benidorm is famous for having something for everyone, and it’s true because it has several things to do there, one of them is the amusement park, Terra Mítica which has a total of 33 attractions. The interesting thing about the park are all the different themes inside it, it is divided into themes like Rome, Egypt, Greece, Iberia and the Islands.

The most popular attractions at the theme park that you should do before leaving are the following:

The roller coaster lovers will get enough adrenaline to last them the day from the Inferno alone, it is a roller coaster that has several impressive twists and turns. To find it within the park you must go to the Roman themed area of the park, once there it is easily seen because its size does not go unnoticed.

The flight of phoenix
This attraction is only suitable for the brave as it is a free fall of 54 meters at a speed of 100 km / h, nothing too bad right? Little more can be said of this attraction, it is pure adrenaline which in just 3 seconds you will feel rushing through your entire body.

The attraction of Synkope is one of the main attractions of the whole park, it is like a giant pendulum where instead of a ball there is a wheel with seats. The operation is simple, once the attraction begins, the “pendulum” begins to move from left to right, gradually increasing the speed, while the wheel that is at the base of the “pendulum” turns to finally reach almost 90º from the ground and infarction speeds.
Knowing this it is not surprising that in 2015 they gave it the prize for the best attraction in all of Europe.

The Fury of the Triton
This attraction is a little different as is a water attraction, the park has several water attractions on offer but this one is undoubtedly the best one by far. You ride in a boat which brings you to two quite impressive falls, one of them with 15 meters of a fall. You won’t leave this one dry.