It is time to talk about
Las Fallas. Preparations for this massive party begin
months before the celebration. The months is filled with different events, exhibitions and the fallero atmosphere in the streets.
February 1st you can visit the Ninot Exhibition in the City of Arts and Sciences.
What is a "ninot"?
The ninots are the
dolls that make up the monuments of Las Fallas and that are assigned for the exhibition by the Valencia commissions. These artistic representations have been
created throughout the year by the fallero artists who have a humorous vision of classic images and images from present time turned into these monuments.
All the groups exhibit their ninots, in hopes that their one will be
pardoned from the fire, but nevertheless
only two will achieve salvation. The exhibition will remain in the Archeries Hall of the Prince Felipe Museum until
March 15, so that anyone can vote for their favourite. The exhibition is open from
Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. You can access the exhibition with the
general admission of €3, although there are numerous discounts available.
This cultural and artistic event will begin with the arrival of the ninots on Tuesday, January 28th and Wednesday, January 29th, while the
inauguration will take place on January 31st, where at the end there will be a
firework display. It will not be until the following day, on
February 1st that the doors open to the public to vote until March 14th.
This exhibition began in
1934 and since then there is a
ninot of each of la falleros planted in the city of Valencia, which comes to about
700 monuments. For a long time only the ninots of the great falleros had a chance to be saved from the fire. In 1963 the delegation of the childrens Fallas of the Central Board Fallera convened the First Exhibition of the childrens Ninot, from which the first childs ninot was elected by vote. Since then visitors vote for either originality, beauty or elaboration, the ninot and the childrens ninot that they like the most, in order to save it from the fire.
You cannot miss the kickoff of Fallas 2020. Vote for this year's Ninot, which will become part of the history of the Fallas where it will be included in the
Fallero Museum in Valencia.