After its success in Madrid, where they will actually open up a
new location soon, the axe throwing venue “El Hachazo” is coming to the Turia Capital on 3rd of January at the Carrer del Dr. Sumsi. The venue can hold
24 people, with six targets and nine axes of different weight and size, and of course a sharp edge.
This type of sport comes from North America, specifically from Canada, where more than 100.000 people practice it. Although it is a sport similar to what their ancestors practiced in those territories, its popularity has been increasing in the last ten years. It has been gaining a lot of international attention, especially in the United Kingdom, France and the United States.
The game is similar to dart throwing. T
he axe should be launched at the target, and the target has different scores. Do not be fooled, axe throwing requires control, skill and technique because you are using a much heavier tool than a dart arrow. There are 22 ways to throw axes, but the goal is to get the edge of the axe to dig into the wood, get into the target, and of course, to have a good time with your friends.
The sessions have a duration of
one hour and include a short five-minute course on safety within the throwing room, ten minutes of practice throwing with the experts of Hachazo and the rest of the time you’ll get different challenges with various types of axes, ranging from 200 gram to 2 KG.
In addition to having fun, the most important thing in “El Hachazo” is safety. Therefore, it is mandatory to
follow the safety rules stated by the establishment. Rules like not touching the edge of the axe, not stepping over the red line of the throwing range and above all, using common sense and having
respect towards others.
Without any further ado, go and wake up your wildest side to get ready for some badass axe throwing in Spain!