The project prioritizes environmental sustainability based on the principles of efficiency and effectiveness with the use of energy and natural resources.

In an era where our connection with nature is fading, initiatives such as BIOPARC manage to integrate the natural environment with the urban environment, allowing us the possibility to experience both without leaving the city. The new Adventure Park has the same aim, it is a project that seeks to offer “nature immersion”, a novel concept that allows for the possibility to enjoy the benefits of nature within the city of Valencia.

“Bioparc València offers a chunk of nature within the city, but the Adventure Park goes one step further and completes the experience with a more dynamic and fun vision” says Rain Forest, the company that promotes the new Adventure Park next to the Bioparc València.

The company explains that the 2030 agenda has been taken into account for the development of the Adventure Park project and most importantly its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 17.

They refer specifically to water management, where two million euros will be invested in the latest technical systems which aims to reduce the consumption thanks to an innovative filtering system and the implementation of a secondary circuit; they will reuse this resource for other uses such as irrigation, showers or bathrooms and to reduce the consumption from Bioparc to return the surplus to the city or to create a supply point.

This commitment to reduce water consumption allows the project to continue their partnership with the City Council, so now it will continue processing with the municipal services involved. The investment will reach 25 million euros and will generate 155 direct full-time jobs and 848 indirect jobs in the city.

Thus, “the Adventure Park has been a challenge in itself from the point of view of integral innovation, from design to engineering systems to establish the most innovative and sustainable project of Europe in Valencia” according to Rain Forest.