The University New Year’s Eve in Salamanca is one of the most renowned festivals in Spain. A celebration that was born in the 90s with the intention of celebrating the last night of the year with classmates, before the winter holidays started. A crowd of people gather in the Plaza Mayor of the city, to spend one of the best parties of the year together.

Salamanca is one of the most traditional university cities in Spain. Its university was inaugurated in 1218, thus holding the title of the oldest university in Spain. Its long existence has come with many unique traditions and customs in Spain, including the University New Year’s Eve. 

Since the 90’s, Salamanca students have celebrated a traditional and unique New Year’s Eve, and thousands of people have joined them for the occasion. The origin of this celebration derives from a group of university students from Salamanca that decided to meet in the Plaza Mayor of the city, to celebrate a special kind of New Year’s Eve with their classmates, before everyone returned to their hometown for the Christmas break.

Over the years, this custom has been considered a tradition that has brought more than 35.000 students together. The event is held on the second-to-last Thursday of December, with the aim of being able to share that evening before the holidays at home.

The Plaza Mayor in Salamanca welcomes all visitors and students who want to celebrate this festivity together. When the clock strikes midnight at the Plaza Mayor, everyone eats 12 candies, instead of the traditional lucky grapes. From this moment on, the whole city becomes a party with an atmosphere unlike any you have seen before. Music, drinks and fun fill the city center streets in Salamanca.

A tradition that has existed for hundreds of years, and will continue to do so for much longer. A party based on values like camaraderie, friendship and kindness, all the ingredients for a perfect start of the Christmas holidays.